忘却时间的喧哗: 和kate 的演技都有了质的飞跃东北性事越来越喜欢他们了
一颗金黄的栗子: have not seen such a portentious show in a fairly long while but then I found out this is originally a play so it all makes sense now. Even knowing it's good, but I still have a hard time appreciating this this nyc-centered show, relating to The Pitt Couple. The Roy Cohn character, played by Al Pacino, showing great inteliigent smugness, is my favourite bit of the show.
鸟类观察员:没有第一部好看为了郭麒麟配音版舍弃了自带萌点的原版英音东北性事只能在小松鼠唱green day的时候才能领略几句回头把原版补上…bgm有点过时了郭麒麟的性格和彼得兔很像
风中飘着一朵云:诡异的科幻精神污染阴影电流声IPv7攻壳机动队多重人格现实与虚拟的模糊 网络技术来自外星文明舒曼共振